How to Create a Chatbot: [A Step-by-Step Guide 2023]

A Step-by-step Guide: How to Create a Chatbot

Messenger marketing is gaining popularity worldwide, as 91% of internet users utilize mobile apps. With open messenger rates averaging around 80%, as opposed to 10% for email, it’s no surprise that businesses are turning towards chatbots for customer engagement.

Now is the time to start if you still need to integrate chatbots into your business strategy. The chatbot market will likely hit $10.08 billion by 2026, leading to a rush in chatbot development among enterprises and startups alike.

AI technologies like GPT-3 or TensorFlow can enhance your chatbot’s conversational capabilities. The three main benefits of creating a chatbot are mining customer data, saving time on customer service back-end operations, and making your brand accessible 24/7.

Training a bout with both sample and real-life data is crucial in development. By incorporating human-like chatbots, research shows that businesses can reduce customer support costs by up to 30% by decreasing lead times and answering up to 80% of common questions or requests.

Top Industries Using Chatbot Technology

Four mainstream industries currently use chatbots to increase operational efficiency and better customer experience.

Banking & Finance

With chatbots, banking becomes as easy as sending a text, as they can instantly respond to queries ranging from simple requests to complex tasks, whether on a website, mobile app, or Facebook page.

The purpose of chatbot training is to fulfill the needs and expectations of customers. Chatbots can serve as personal bankers, wealth managers, loan service agents, or ATM locators, providing on-demand assistance at the customer’s fingertips.


To ensure that your HR team stays ahead of the game, it is essential to give them the tools they need to be proactive and forward-thinking. One such tool is a custom-made HR chatbot, which can replicate the quick wit of your CEO or the team spirit of your company.

With an HR chatbot, you can engage with potential and new recruits, answering their questions and providing interactive feedback loops complete with cute GIFs.

Using chatbots to help new hires complete paperwork, introduce them to their new team, and provide answers to company-related questions before their first day, you can accelerate team performance.


Companies that aim to succeed cannot rely solely on human support and sales systems only. Our experience working with various e-commerce companies, from multi-million giants to Shopify startups, has shown that all have seen multiple benefits from using a chatbot for their platforms.

Conversational commerce chatbots can help e-commerce industries in numerous ways, such as increasing revenue, saving time, shortening sales cycles, boosting conversion rates, and aiding in cross-platform performance. Additionally, chatbots are language agnostic and can cater to a truly global audience.

Real Estate

If you fail to engage with customers in your target market, they may eventually turn to one of your competitors who answers their questions more quickly. This is where a real estate chatbot can help.

Using a chatbot, companies can interact with consumers, answer their queries, schedule site visits, share and check documents, and remind them of upcoming schedules.

Implementing a chatbot in real estate agency can significantly improve customer experience, leading to customer loyalty and attracting more customers.

Steps to Build a Chatbot for Your Business

If you want to build a customized chatbot for your business, follow the steps below.

Know Your Niche

Chatbots for customer service enable businesses to provide round-the-clock support to website visitors. To ensure the effectiveness of your chatbot, it is crucial to determine its purpose before creating one. For example, will you use it for generating leads or improving customer service?

That can reduce the volume of incoming customer queries via email and save time for more complex issues. On the other hand, lead-generation chatbots can help businesses maximize their sales potential and increase conversions. By engaging with potential customers, they can provide valuable leads and gather insights into customers’ preferences.

Know Your Purpose

Determining key performance indicators (KPIs) for your chatbot enables you to measure its effectiveness using the most critical data points. That helps you stay focused on your desired outcomes for your chatbot. To identify your chatbot KPIs, you can consider the following questions:

  •   How will you determine the success of your bot?
  •   What metrics will determine the success of your chatbot system?
  •    Are you looking for specific insights when gauging the performance of your chatbot?

 Your chatbot KPIs will largely depend on the objectives of the chatbot interaction, such as the desired user actions. For example, such KPIs include the number of button or link clicks, completed forms, online purchases, or other calls to action (CTAs).

Know Your Customers

After setting your objectives, ensuring your chatbot aligns with your target audience is essential. That involves creating a bot user persona at the beginning of chatbot development.

To classify your chatbot user persona, consider the user’s goal when first interacting with it and how it will assist the user. Then, aim to summarize the user profile in one sentence and add a brief sentence to describe the chatbot use cases.

Define Your Bot’s Persona

After identifying your user persona, you can create a chatbot personality that is engaging and appealing to your target audience. Understanding your users helps you establish the right tone and language your chatbot will use, representing your company.

It is essential to balance brand consistency and meeting user expectations. Consider the following personality traits to create a chatbot personality that resonates with your audience:

  •  Choose a creative name for your bot
  •  Use a friendly avatar image
  •  Develop a unique chatbot personality
  •  Incorporate on-brand emojis
  •  Use casual language, including industry slang if appropriate
  •   Include inviting pictures or gifs to accompany the text

Determine the Conversation Tone and Style

With your chatbot objectives, user persona, and personality in place, it is time to create a conversation flow that forms the foundation of your chatbot interaction. To organize your chatbot flow, consider your users’ questions when interacting with your bot.

Think of the conversation flow as a decision tree and create a diagram that outlines all possible message options. You can do this manually using Post-it notes or digitally.

Once you have identified the main opening messages, select the multiple-choice response options to guide the user to the following prompt or desired page.

Activation Scenarios

Once you determine who will be using your chatbot, you need to determine when and how your visitors will be able to use the chatbot. To address this, you need to establish target rules for your chatbot.

That will help determine when and how your chatbot engages with website visitors. You can set various automatic triggers to initiate your chatbot, depending on whether you wish to target your bot based on multiple criteria or just one.

Initiate Development Phase

It is time to implement your plan and start building your chatbot. If you use a built-in design platform, you can create a bot from scratch using drag-and-drop elements or a pre-designed bot template.

This is where you can bring your chatbot to life and implement the conversation flow and personality traits you have defined. Feel free to experiment and iterate until you have created a chatbot that meets your objectives and aligns with your user persona.

Testing Phase

Before releasing your chatbot to the public, it is best to test and preview it yourself. During this previewing phase, examining all potential variations of your chatbot flow is essential. That involves testing every button or input option and following the path to ensure no glitches.

Although there may be several combinations of buttons and paths to follow, testing each is crucial. Additionally, it is critical to preview how your chatbot will appear on different devices and adjust its appearance accordingly.

Analyze and Adapt

During the second step of creating your chatbot, you establish your key performance indicators (KPIs). Now that your chatbot is live and in use, it is crucial to measure its performance. Tracking these metrics can aid in optimizing your content and continuously enhancing your chatbot’s outcomes.

There are various chatbot metrics to track, such as chatbot activity, bounce rate, goal completion, and effectiveness. By monitoring chatbot activity, you can determine how frequently visitors use it.

Bounce rate measures the number of users who exit without completing the desired action and can help identify potential bottlenecks in your bot’s journey. Finally, goal completion estimates the success rate of a particular action taken through your bot.

Finally, effectiveness measures the number of users who received the help they needed through your bot without contacting customer service.

Partner with a Software Development Company

You can develop a basic chatbot for your website or school project in about half an hour. However, creating a sophisticated chatbot can take a team of developers many years to complete. To ensure your chatbot meets the highest standards, working with a reputable software solutions company is essential.

The software solution company must offer app development services and top-notch chatbot development services and utilize the latest  model. By collaborating with the best chatbot development company, you can access custom chatbot development services designed to meet the specific needs of your business.

Our team of skilled chatbot developers specializes in building chatbots from scratch, ensuring they align with your unique business requirements.

Popular Chatbots Services You Can Try

Professional chatbot development services can enhance your website’s functionality and user engagement.

Several types of chatbot development services can benefit your business.

For example:

  • Facebook chatbot development services can assist companies in engaging with their audience and providing customer support on the social media platform.
  • Twitter chatbot development services can help businesses enhance customer support and engagement on social media.
  • WhatsApp chatbot development services can aid companies in automating their customer support and improving response times.
  • Instagram chatbot development services can assist businesses in boosting their social media presence and driving engagement. Finally, custom Slack chatbot development services can improve your team’s productivity and efficiency.


What is the Definition of a Chatbot?

Chatbots are effective conversational tools that efficiently handle routine tasks. Businesses and companies look for expert chatbot development services because chatbots can perform multiple tasks.

Why Do You Need a Chatbot?

Chatbots enable businesses to engage with their customers personally without incurring the cost of human representatives. They can enhance your ability to generate quality potential leads.

Are There Any Tools I Must Know Before I Start Building a Chatbot?

Dialogflow, Microsoft Bot Framework, Amazon Lex, and IBM Watson Assistant are among the most popular chatbot development frameworks. These platforms have features such as natural language processing, machine learning, and integration with commonly used messaging platforms. With these tools at their disposal, developers can create highly functional and personalized chatbots to meet the needs of their clients or end-users.

Can I Integrate My Chatbot with My Website Or Messaging System?

Integrating a chatbot with a messaging platform or website usually involves two key steps. First, you must configure the integration on the messaging platform or website, followed by connecting the integration to the back end of your chatbot. By completing these steps, you can seamlessly integrate the chatbot into a website or messaging platform and become readily available to users.

How can I Build a Chatbot For My Business?

You can develop a chatbot by coding from scratch or utilizing a no-code platform. Typically, the process of building a chatbot involves several steps. First, it is necessary to identify the type of chatbot you wish to create. After that, it is time to select a suitable channel, followed by the choice of technology stack. The next step is to design the conversation and train the bot accordingly.

Subsequently, test your chatbot for functionality, and finally, it is deployed and maintained. By following these steps, businesses and individuals can create effective chatbots catering to their needs.

Do I Need to Test My Chatbot Before Deployment?

To evaluate the effectiveness of your chatbot, you can utilize testing tools provided by the natural language processing platform you are using. For example, you can employ Dialogflow’s simulator or Rasa’s interactive mode. Additionally, you can conduct a manual by engaging with the chatbot as a user and pinpointing any flaws or opportunities for improvement.

By combining automated and manual testing methods, you can thoroughly assess your chatbot’s functionality and optimize its performance.

What are the Steps to Train the NLP Model of My Chatbot?

After defining the intents and entities of your chatbot, the next step is to train its NLP (Natural Language Processing) model. You can easily accomplish this by providing a dataset of labeled examples representing the various types of user inputs your chatbot will handle in the future. Once you have trained the model, it is time to test it using sample inputs and refine it to enhance its accuracy. By regularly fine-tuning the NLP model based on user interactions, the chatbot can learn and improve its ability to accurately understand and respond to user inputs.